Monday, September 16, 2013

The Misfits

"I don't feel that way about you, Gay."
"Well, don't get discouraged girl. You might."

Bitch, I said I didn't feel that way about you.


The first time I saw "The Misfits" I cried.

It was also completely relevant to what I was going through at the time. But a few years later now, I realize that its relevant for almost any girl.

There have been so many instances when I feel like Marilyn's character. When men keep appearing, "falling in love" with her, pawing for her attention when all she is trying to do is "feel something". She's not "asking for it" or even really wanting it at all - but she's used to it. She's so used to it she just lets it happen. She doesn't know how to stop it and in the end her naive, loving and innocent character sees the ugly truth about humanity.

It's not the best movie, but its makes me want to cry. The blatant truth behind the selfishness of men and the trapdoor that is love.

And, of course any movie is going to speak to different people different ways, but I think the forced romantic aspect of this movie is butchered by everyone. This is clearly not a love story.

I can't think of any friendships I have had with men, that didn't end with a "I want more" discussion. Or friendships that have been revealed to be fueled by ulterior motives. The guy friends who you find out have only been nice to you because they thought they could get in your pants are the mother-fucking worst.

I'm sorry - I really can't control someone else's emotions. And I also find it uncomfortable I should start every new friendship with a "I will never, ever, ever want to sleep with you" conversation. And lets face it - that is fucking ridiculous that anyone has to have that conversation!!!  Someone else's sexuality is not yours to control.

Also, those conversations are not fool-proof. You can tell someone every-single-fucking-day that you are not interested in them like that, and lo-and-behold 6 months later they'll be confessing their undying love for you. "Dude, I thought we talked about this." 

Someone who is only friends with you to get in your pants, is not a friend. Those are selfish people who only see you as an object. And do we want selfish people in our life? Hell naw.

Even swingers are more sane than the self-proclaimed "friend-zoned". They approach no-string sex with fucking sanity. 
"Hey, Laura and I were wondering if you would be up for a threesome?"
"No, I don't think thats such a great idea."
"Okay then. What toppings do you want on the pizza?"

If anyone reacted to that conversation with a "HOLY SHIT, you don't want to sleep with me? I can no longer be around you!" they got problems.

Let us remember: Women are not magical machines that when you put enough "nice" in, sex comes out. We are not yours to dictate, control or own. And if you can't comprehend that, then you can be on your way.


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